Wednesday, August 17, 2011


“Yes…yeah…there you go…..easy fella….ahhhhh!”
Relief ran itself boldly across my body, a satisfied smile creased my face as urine steadily gushed outta my bladder. Enjoying the moment, I closed my eyes and zoned out. Walking back to the office to resume my tedious , tiring job of doing nothing. I decided to check my reflection through one of the sliding windows, in case I spilled some ammonia juice on ma pants and…poof!..a 70-year old, leathery wrinkled face with grey hair all over stares back.
“Ha!!!” I yelped.
Blinks when I blink, make the same move I make, even manages to achieve the only natural difference between an image and its reflection; I raise my left hand, he doesn’t, he raises his right. Now I’m scared shitless. Horror bill-boarded itself across the shocked wrinkled face staring awkwardly back at me.
“What the fuck happened?!”
“Where in the jeebies did the years go?!”
Like a minute ago, I was taking a leak at the back of my office wondering how my life’s gonna turn out. Out of the blue, it popped out….i had used almost five decades deciding where my life’s headed…damn!..i paled, breath went outta my lungs with a rush as reality sucker-punched in the fact.
Shock transformed into panic, which ran into long miles of regret, then it all overwhelmed me and flowed out as tears. Resigned, I let the tears flow freely. They splashed on my right hand, warm tears
…”very warm tears”…sniffling, I pondered, “tears can’t be this warm.”
This wet thought dragged me outta my scary reverie. Looking down, I had urinated on my hand. I shook my phallus, zipped my pants and ran swiftly to the nearest window, part of me scared of what I’ll see…a 70-year old?
Strolling back to my office, mind partially occupied with what I just went through, the other part stylishly checking and cross-checking my reflection whenever I passed a window. I shivered as the truth went through me with a chill; procastination kills. Wearing a wide grin as I entered the office, I sat down, leaned back, shook my head at the joke my mind played on me, grabbed a pen and started writing…

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